About Me, Melissa Banno
I have over 15 years of experience as a licensed massage therapist in North Carolina. I received my Diploma in Therapeutic Massage from Carteret Community College, Morehead , NC. I also have a B.A. in East Asian Studies from Macalester College, St.Paul, MN.
I have completed over 300 hours of training in the Trager Approach and I’m certified in Reiki and CranioSacral Therapy. I lived and worked in Japan for five years as an English teacher before becoming a massage therapist. I studied acupressure and shiatsu there with the intention of becoming an acupuncturist before deciding to move back to the United States and become a massage therapist. I often collaborate with other healthcare practitioners such as physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers and chiropractors. I encourage my clients to engage in movement that nourishes their bodies and speeds their recovery from injury or discomfort.
Licensed Massage Therapist
NC License #4402
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it." - Helen Keller
What to expect on your initial visit
At an initial visit, I will ask you to fill out a two page Health History Form including contact information, a brief medical history, primary purpose of visit, and informed consent. After discussing this information with you, I will leave the room, allowing you to undress to your level of comfort. Then you will lie down, cover yourself with a sheet, and ring a small hand bell to signal that you are ready. A face rest, bolster, towels, pillows, blankets, heated table, small fan and heater are provided to ensure you are comfortable. A variety of quiet music and low lighting are also provided to help you relax.

FAQ's - Prepare For Your Massage
1) Do I need to undress or wear specific clothing?
It is not necessary to undress. If you prefer to stay fully clothed I ask that you wear something loose and comfortable like shorts, leggings or sweatpants and a loose comfortable top like a tshirt or sweatshirt. Some people are more comfortable completely undressed and some people wear undergarments or socks. I adjust accordingly and use proper draping techniques to maintain a feeling of safety and modesty for the client.
2) Do I have to wear a mask?
Until our guidelines from the CDC change I must require clients to wear a mask when lying face up. When face down I drape a pillowcase inside out over the face cradle, creating a long tube that allows free breathing but still maintains a cloth barrier.
3) How often should I get a massage?
For general maintenance I recommend once a month. Clients that are recovering from an injury or dealing with chronic pain might come once a week. Other clients prefer every two weeks, and some clients just come when their schedules allow. Since I typically spend a full hour with a client and my approach is comprehensive and thorough, I do not schedule anyone for more than once a week. If a one hour session is ineffective, then I recommend that the client seek more help from physical therapy, a medical doctor or a mental health professional.
4) Is it okay to exercise after a massage?
I discourage people from exercising or doing anything physically or mentally strenuous immediately after a session. If possible, waiting until the following day, giving the body and mind time to process the experience and enjoy the new awareness is ideal. But there is no medical reason to prohibit exercise after massage.
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