Category: Psychology

What is a Movement Snack?

Most of us know that in order to be healthy we need to exercise, but most of us don’t have lifestyles or occupations that involve exercise. So how do we find the time?  Well, I have some good news!  A recent study found that small bursts of exercise were actually more

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The Power of Restorative Yoga

Recently I attended a weekend workshop focused on self-care. It was such a treat after years of Covid isolation to be able to participate in a workshop in person. The leader did an excellent job of providing guidance for breathwork, meditation, and restorative yoga. I left the weekend feeling nurtured,

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The Power of the Breath

As this Covid pandemic continues, we are all growing weary of the uncertainty, stress, frustration and loss. The one reliable anchor we can turn to to help us cope is our breath. And there is a fascinating book that can help.  Breath, by James Nestor, is the most comprehensive book

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How do I Decrease Anxiety?

“How to Decrease Anxiety and Increase Confidence in Only Two Minutes” Amy Cuddy, a social scientist, began with the premise that just as body language can be a powerful non-verbal communication between people and animals it can also be a powerful way to nonverbally communicate with ourselves. She found that

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