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How Can I Relieve Eye Fatigue?

In our modern world with so much screen time and so much visual stimulation, how can we support the health and optimal function of our eyes?

There are many ways to do this. The number one way is to give our eyes some rest. 

Secondly, the challenge we face with eye care is the same one we face when dealing with the rest of the body: we need more variety of movement. In recent human history, we spent more time outside. We moved more in our daily lives and used our eyes to look in multiple directions, up, down, far away, and close up. Most of us spend most of our time looking at a screen inches away from our eyes. And, when we look at that screen, we blink an average of 5-7 times per minute. When NOT looking at a computer screen, we blink an average of 15 times per minute. 

There is a strategy called 20 20 20. It is ideal to pause every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.  This helps to refresh the eyes, giving them a respite from focusing at a short distance. Even if we pause once every 60 minutes, that is better than never pausing at all. 

Another way to rest the eyes is to simply close the eyes and cup the palms of the hands over the eyes.  Please take a moment to follow the short video below that will guide you in a fun eye exercise you can do with palms over the eyes. It only takes a few minutes to both rest and strengthen your eyes. Like other muscles in the body, the eye muscles need to be challenged and given a variety of movements in different directions and angles. 

Lastly, keeping the eyes moist will improve their comfort and performance. One way is to use a room humidifier to keep the air humidity at at least 45%. Some people find artificial tears helpful. Warm or cool compresses can also be comforting and add moisture to the eyes. If you would like more detailed information, please click on the link below.