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What is a Movement Snack?

Most of us know that in order to be healthy we need to exercise, but most of us don’t have lifestyles or occupations that involve exercise. So how do we find the time? 

Well, I have some good news!  A recent study found that small bursts of exercise were actually more effective at reducing blood glucose levels than a 30 minute walk.One way to activate large muscles, increase blood and lymph flow and elevate the heart rate is to do stationary squats. 

I challenge you to set a timer and give yourself a 3 minute break every hour. During that break time give yourself the gift of health by doing at least 10 squats. Perform the squats to the best of your ability, and feel free to use the video below as a guide. You will probably find that your strength and range of motion improve within a few days. If you encounter any pain, of course back away from the pain and modify accordingly. You will probably also find that this is a great way to give your brain a break and come back to your regular work tasks feeling refreshed and energized. 


A great read and reference:
Enhanced muscle activity during interrupted sitting improves glycemic control in overweight and obese men